Thursday, May 7, 2009


iT was declared by WHO that the epedemic desease of Influenza A has reached stage 5!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009



Malaysia masih bebas daripada penyakit berjangkit ini. Mereka yang telah ditahan di hospital untuk mengenal pasti penyakit telah pun dibebaskan. Namun sebaliknya pula yang berlaku di peringkat global...dimana terdapat 21 buah negara termasuk portugal, Itali dan Ireland yang paling ternaru dikenal pasti dan kini sedang berdepan dengan wabak itu. Sebanyak 959 kes baru dgn 26 kematian telah dicatat dan Mexico berada pada tangga teratas dgn 25 kes kematian dan 590 kes baru manakala satu kes kematian dan 226 kes baru di America Syarikat di 35 buah negeri. Satu sumber memberitahu bahawa Mexico menghantar pesawat untuk mengambil rakyat Mexico seramai 70 orang yang sedang dikuarantin di beberapa daerah China. Di Asia pula dilaporkan terdapat kes baru dimana seorang warga Mexico yang menetap sebuah hotel di Hong Kong telah disahkan menghidap virus itu dan kuarantin terhadap hotel itu telah pun berkuatkuasa semalam (3Mei2009). Di Thailand pula, 3 pelajar tempatan yg baru pulang dari Mexico bagi progam pertukaran pelajar asing telahpun dikuarantin selepas mengadu demam manakala 11 yang lain turut serta rombongan tersebut sedang dalam pemerhatian. Justeru itu Thailand telah meningkatkan kadar pengawalam terhadap penyakit berjangkit itu terutama pintu masuk Lapangan Terbang dan Thailand akan mengetuai mesyurat tergempar yang akan membincangkan tentang permasalahan ini.

Penulis berharap dan berdoa agar penyakit ini tidak menular dengan lebih dasyat kerana penulis percaya ia mampu memusnahkan dunia secara halus. Penulis juga berharap penemuaan segera ubatan atau lebih tepat lagi vaksin yang mampu melemahkan virus itu serta mempekuatkan sistem imune badan. Baru2 ini penulis terdengar tentang penemuan vaksin itu namun sejauh mana kesannya masih tidak dikenalpasti. Hurmm..agak drastik juga penemuan vaksin itu, ad juga sedikit kepercayaan yang mereka yg menjumpai vaksin tersebut mungkin juga mereka yang mula menyebarkan virus tersebut. Tapi ini adalah andaian penulis sahaja bedasarkan pengalaman penulis yang juga sedikit sebanyak bekerja dengan virus. Sebab setahu penulis, memang agak mudah hendak membiakkan virus, tetapi agak sukar juga untuk menyediakan vaksin. Namun apapun mereka yang pakar lebih bijak, tangkas dan lebih professional. Apa2 pun jagalah kebesihan diri..take care
Sumber Berita: TV3

Sayur2 dan buah-buahan

Jumpa Lagi~
Kali ni penulis nak bercerita sejauh mana khasiat sayur2ran dan buah-buahan untuk kesihatan kita. Maklumlah sejak kecil lagi kita telah diberitahu tentang kelebihan-kelebihan memakan sayur sayuran. Namun, penulis percaya, ad lagi dikalangan kita yang x suka makan makanan yang secara general nya ini berwarna hijau. So, bagi menggalakan pembaca2 yang anti ngan sayur-sayuran ini..penulis nk berkongsi sedikit maklumat buat pembaca.
Fruits and vegetable consumption is recommended as part of a healthy diet, and a previous study of 2 major studies by Hung and colleagues examined whether eating fruits and vegetables could reduce the risk for chronic disease????. Based on dierang punyer results..dan telah pun di published pada November 3, 2004, issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, mereka mendapati....there was no significant overall effect on the risk for chronic disease based on consumption of fruits and vegetables. However, eating fruits and vegetables did reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease in particular, and green leafy vegetables appeared most effective in this regard.

The current study examines whether consumption of antioxidant vitamins, either through eating fruits and vegetables or taking supplements, is associated with a lower prevalence and/or severity of asthma. maknanya, sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan ni bukanla ubat yang boleh menghilangkan penyakit, tetapi ianya boleh mencegah serta mengurangkan certain penykit melalui amalan pemakanan yang berterusan. Lagipun, sayur2 serta buah-buahan lebih mudah didapati berbanding makanan berat lain. haa..disini penulis sarankan pada pembaca yang ad penyakit asma ni..rajin2 kanla diri tu makan sayur. .penulis berani bagi nasihat pasal penulis memang suka makan sayur ni. kalo x percaya boley tanya kat mak penulis. hehehe.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dangerous Products!!!


Penulis baru shj membaca email yg sangat bermanfaat untuk dikongsi bersama para pembaca. Entri kali ini penulis ingin menyenaraikan beberapa produk kegunaan rutin harian yg mungkin memudaratkan pada masa hadapan. Ini kerana produk2 tersebut mengandungi bahan-bahan kimia yang merbahaya. Antara produk yang telah disenarai hitam kan oleh kerajaan Dubai termasuk syampu berjenama CLEAR, FRUCTIS, PALMOLIVE, LOREAL and BODY SHOP. Syampu2 ini dipercayai mengandungi Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) iaitu sejenis pencuci lantai yg digunakann untuk menambah buih. Tambahan pula, bahan kimia ini dilabel sebagai " extremely harmful". Apa2 pun penulis bernasib baik kerana tidak pernah menggunakan sebarang Syampu yg disenaraikan diatas kerana penulis merupakan pengguna setia REJOICE. heheh

Ad mereka yg gemar mengambil ubat-ubatan pula, sila pastikan tablet tidak mengandungi Phenyl- Propanol -Amide PPA. Bahan ini boleh menyebabkan stroke dan telah disenarai hitam oleh FDA-USA. Tablet2 ini terdiri daripada D Cold Vicks, Action- 500, Actifed, Coldarin, Cosome, Nice, Nimulid and Cetrizet-D. Penulis sebenarnya tidak familiar dgn nama2 tersebut, tp selepas ini penulis akan lebih berhati2 dgn pengambilan sebarang ubat2-ubatan. bukannya apa...nanti x pasal2 nk ubat termakan racun plak. :P

Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP)

Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans??

Pernah x pembaca mendengar tentang penyakit ini? Jarang2 sekali kita mendengar isu yg dibangkitkan mengenai penyakit ini, tambahan pula nama saintifiknya sangat panjang dan sukar untuk diingati malah disebut. Namun, sedikit masa dulu nama yg unik ini sungguh sinonim dgn penulis walaupun penulis sendiri tidak berapa mengatahui asal usul serta simptom2 nya. Baru2 ini penulis tergerak hati untuk mengatahu dgn lebih lanjut tentang penyakit ini dan bebesar hati untuk berkongsi informasi dgn para pembaca.

Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is a relatively uncommon soft tissue neoplasm with intermediate-to-low grade malignancy. Although metastasis rarely occurs, DFSP is a locally aggressive tumor with a high recurrence rate. Maknanya, tumor jenis ini jarang merebak tapi berpotensi untuk tumbuh kembali selepas pembedahan dan apabila 'metastasis' berlaku, this cancerous cell berpotensi untuk merebak from original site to one or more sites elsewhere in the body. DFSP is a very slowly growing tumor. Because of the slow progression, the diagnosis is often delayed dan tumor ini sering kali berlaku kepada golongan dewasa yang berumur 20-25 tahun. Tambahan pula, tumor jenis ini tidak mengenali jantina mahupun bangsa. It may start as a small asymptomatic papule, which is likely ignored. The tumor may gradually enlarge into a lumpy nodule, or it may evolve into an atrophic and/or sclerotic plaque.

DFSP biasanya agak besar and presents as a large indurated plaque several centimeters in diameter. It is composed of firm, irregular nodules varying in color from flesh to reddish brown. Sometimes, it may present as a morphealike, atrophic, sclerotic, violaceous plaque without nodularity that may ulcerate as it slowly increases in size. DFSP most commonly occurs on the trunk, followed by the proximal extremities. It rarely occurs above the neck. Although metastasis of DFSP is rare (only 1-4% reported), almost all metastatic cases have been associated with local recurrence and a poor prognosis. Most of the patients with metastatic DFSP have died within 2 years. A small subset of DFSP patients presents with fibrosarcomatous progression. This fibrosarcomatous progression DFSP variant is more aggressive in nature and the clinical outcome usually is poor.

Tumor jenis ini jarang 2 berlaku dan mengikut statistic, 3 dripada setuja manusia berpotensi untuk menjadi pesakit. DFSP is a cutaneous malignancy that arises from the dermis and invades deeper subcutaneous tissue (eg, fat, fascia, muscle, bone). Bagaimanapun, punca kepada penyakit ini masih tidak dikenalpasti. It was reported that in 10-20% of patients with this tumor, trauma at the site seems to be incriminated. Surgical and old burn scars and sites of vaccinations have all been reported as sites of DFSP.


a) Radiation therapy (Radiotherapy) has had a limited role in the past, but, recently, it has been used as an adjunct to surgery. Radiation therapy may be recommended for patients if the margins of resection are positive or for situations where adequate wide excision alone may result in major cosmetic or functional deficits. Close follow-up care after radiation therapy is warranted because some of the tumors may become more aggressive.

b) Imatinib mesylate (molecularly targeted therapy) has been found to have significant therapeutic value in the treatment of DFSP. Imatinib is a potent and specific inhibitor of several protein-tyrosine kinases, including the PDGF receptors. Imatinib mesylate is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable, recurrent, and/or metastatic DFSP and the recommended dose is 800 mg/d.

c) Surgical care such as Surgical excision remains the mainstay of treatment for DFSP. Recently, Mohs micrographic surgery has been increasingly accepted as the treatment of choice. a wide excision of 3 cm or more of the margins, down to and including the fascia, is recommended for the treatment of DFSP. Ini kerana, cancer cell tersebut berpotensi untuk membiak dgn lebih agresif lagi apabila ada sebahagian akar cell yg tertinggal tambahn pula DFSP commonly extends far beyond the clinical margins.
Uish.. cuba para pembaca teliti gambar yg penulis selitkan bersama entri ni. Nampak mcm tahi lalat dan lebiahan daging biasa. Sapa tahu rupa2nya bende2 mcm tu boley membawa kemudaratan. Dari info yg penulis baca, tumor jenis ni mgkin xlah berapa membahayakan tp manala tau kalo2 tidak bernasib baik boleh memudaratkan nyawa. So, sentiasalah alert dgn segala perubahan yg berlaku kat badan kita.
Thank You~


Salam Sejahtera~
Sedikit selingan buat pembaca..penulis ingin berkongsi sedikit cerita pasal amalan kesihatan. Baru2 ini ibu penulis menceritakan khasiat air rebusan herba yg mengandungi akar2 kayu (kurang pasti asal usul), bawang putih, ketumba dan akar taik angin. Menurut beliau, selepas mengamalkan meminum air rebusan ini badan rasa semakin sihat dan ringan. malah hasil pemeriksaan doktor mendapati beliau bebas dari sebarang penyakit kronik seperti darah tinggi, sakit, sakit jantung malah kencing manis yg sering kali dialami oleh kebanyakan mereka yg berusia. Herba ini sgt mudah didapati dgn harga rm15 sebungkus. Selain daripada rasanya yg mudia diterima tekak (tidak terlalu pahit), campuran bahan semulajadi tersebut boleh direbus beberapa kali selama sebulan dan hendaklah sentiasa dipanas untuk membunuh sebarang 'contaminant' atau benda hidup asing yg lain seprti bakteria dan fungus.

Pada pendapat penulis, ramuan2 asli seperti ini mempunyai nilai khasiat yg tinggi disamping kesan sampingan yg sangat rendah kerana ia terdiri drp bahan 2 semulajadi dan mudah didapati. Malah, penggunaan ubat2tan drpada bahan2 kimia yg mempunyai kesan sampingan yg tinggi boleh dielakkan. Ubat-ubatan seperti ini memerlukan kajian yg lebih mendalam dan mengenalpasti komponent2 yg terkandung dlm ubat-ubatan tersebut. Selain itu, kajian seperti ini borpotensi untuk dikomersialkan sekaligus membuka peluang kepada sahabat2 yg berkecimpung dlm bidang bioteknologi terutamanya dlm mencari penemuan2 baru khususnya drp bahan2 semulajadi.

Latest on Swine Flue

Swine Flu: INTRO

Swine influenza is a highly contagious respiratory disease of pigs caused by one of several swine influenza A viruses. Outbreaks are common in pigs year-round, but infection in humans historically is a result of close contact with infected animals. This current virus is a novel influenza A virus, more properly termed a new subtype of influenza A (H1N1) that was not previously detected in swine or humans. More important is that this new strain appears to be spread by human-to-human transmission.

Swine Flue: How it Can Be Diagnosed?

Preferred specimens: If swine flu is suspected, clinicians should obtain a respiratory specimen for analysis. In an ideal situation, the best method is via nasal pharyngeal aspirate or nasal wash aspirate into viral culture media; however, some experts are recommending the use of Dacron nasal swabs to decrease aerosolization of the virus. If these specimens cannot be collected, a combined nasal swab with an oropharyngeal swab is also acceptable and will be feasible in most settings. (Ideally, swab specimens should be collected using swabs with a synthetic tip and an aluminum or plastic shaft. Swabs with cotton tips and wooden shafts are not recommended. Specimens collected with swabs made of calcium alginate are not acceptable.)
The specimen should be placed in a 4°C refrigerator (not a freezer) or immediately placed on ice or cold packs for transport to the laboratory. Once collected, make contact with the state or local health department to facilitate transport and timely diagnosis at a state public health laboratory.

Recommended tests. The CDC currently recommends "real-time RT-PCR for influenza A, B, H1, H3 conducted at a State Health Department Laboratory. Currently, swine influenza A (H1N1) virus will test positive for influenza A and negative for H1 and H3 by real-time RT-PCR. If reactivity of real-time RT-PCR for influenza A is strong (e.g., Ct ≤ 30) it is more suggestive of a novel influenza A virus." Confirmation as swine influenza A (H1N1) virus is now performed at the CDC but may be available in state public health laboratories soon.

Rapid influenza testing. Rapid testing for swine flu likely is similar to that for seasonal flu, meaning that sensitivities range between 50% and 70% of cases (no better than using fever and cough as a marker in a patient during influenza season), depending on the manufacturer. Therefore, negative rapid tests should not indicate a lack of influenza. Rapid tests can distinguish between influenza A and B viruses. A patient with a positive rapid test for influenza A may meet criteria for a probable case of swine flu, but again, a negative rapid test could be a false negative and should not be assumed a final diagnostic test for swine influenza infection.

Other tests. Immunofluorescence (DFA or IFA) tests can distinguish between influenza A and B viruses. A patient who is positive for influenza A by immunofluorescence may meet criteria for a probable case of swine influenza. However, a negative immunofluorescence could be a false negative and should not be assumed a final diagnostic test for swine influenza infection.
Isolation of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus by viral culture is also diagnostic of infection but may not yield timely results for clinical management. A negative viral culture does not exclude infection with swine influenza A (H1N1) virus.

Swine Flue: How It Can Be Treated?
According to the CDC, swine influenza A (H1N1) is susceptible to the neuraminidase inhibitor antiviral medications zanamivir and oseltamivir. It is resistant to amantadine and rimantadine. Treatment recommendations are as follows:
Suspected cases: Treat with zanamivir alone or with a combination of oseltamivir and either amantadine or rimantadine as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms and for a duration of 5 days.
Confirmed cases: Zanamivir or oseltamivir should be administered for 5 days.
Pregnant women: Antiviral medications are in Pregnancy Category C, so they should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit outweighs the potential risk to the embryo or fetus.
Children younger than 1 year: Because infants typically have high rates of morbidity and mortality from influenza, infants with swine influenza A (H1N1) infections may benefit from treatment with oseltamivir.
Detailed guidance on antiviral treatment for swine flu may be found here:

What Infection-Control Precautions Should Be Taken in Healthcare Settings?
Patients who have a suspected or confirmed case of swine flu and who need to be hospitalized should:

Be placed in a single-patient room with the door kept closed.

Wear a mask when outside the room

Standard, droplet, and contact precautions should be implemented and maintained by healthcare professionals for 7 days after the illness onset or until symptoms have resolved

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Melanoma in Men


A malignant tumor of melanocytes which are found predominantly in skin but also in the bowel and the eye. It is one of the rarer types of skin cancer but causes the majority of skin cancer related deaths. Malignant melanoma is a serious type of skin cancer. It is due to uncontrolled growth of pigment cells, called melanocytes.

Physicians are most likely to detect melanoma in the earliest stages, but patients most at risk are not receiving regular screening during routine office visits. In addition, less than 20% of melanoma patients were aware of warning signs and less than 50% practiced self-examination.
In 2 separate analyses of the same survey data, researchers found that among men 40 years or older who were newly diagnosed with melanoma, thinner tumors were associated with physician detection, a higher melanoma awareness, certain health preventive attitudes, and a higher level of education.

Patients with physician-detected melanoma also tended to be older than those in whom it was detected by self-exam or by a nonphysician, and physician-detected back lesions tended to be thinner and smaller than those detected by the patient.
The results of both analyses appear in the April issue of Archives of Dermatology, and were conducted by the same group of investigators. The 2 papers explored patient and physician factors regarding the detection of melanoma among men 40 years and older.

"We looked at middle-aged and older men and found that when physicians detected the melanoma, the lesions were thinner," said senior author Susan M. Swetter, MD, an associate professor of dermatology at Stanford University Medical Center, in California. "When patients discovered them, it tended to be a thicker lesion, and more advanced."
Only 35% of patients reported receiving a full body skin examination in the year prior to their melanoma diagnosis, even though the majority reported having 2 or more physician visits, Dr. Swetter pointed out.

We found that awareness of melanoma was low, and rates of self-examination were low for both thick and thin tumors," Dr. Swetter told Medscape Oncology. "Individuals at the highest risk of developing melanoma and dying from it are not tuned in to diagnosis or even asking physicians for a screening exam."

Swine Flue symptoms

Relatively nonspecific:
a) High fever
b) cough
c) sore throat
d) muscle aches
e) possibly vomiting
f) diarrhea in some numbers
**However, symptoms aren't unique to swine opposed to another flu virus or a different illness**

Sources: WebMD Health News

So guys..i need ur opinion here..does it make sense to say that this type of desease have been created by someone (might be sciencetist) to use as biological weapon??? please gives ur comments..TQ


Swine Flue

April 26, 2009 — The U.S. government today declared the swine flu outbreak a public health emergency. Swine flu has sickened at least 20 people in the U.S., by the CDC's latest count.
"We are declaring today a public health emergency," Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said today at a White House news briefing. That declaration is "standard operating procedure," Napolitano said. "It is similar to what we do when we see a hurricane approaching a site. The hurricane might not actually hit but allows you to take a number of preparatory steps. We really don't know ultimately what the size or seriousness of this outbreak is going to be."
As part of the emergency, the Department of Homeland Security is releasing 25% of stockpiled antivirals -- Tamiflu and Relenza -- to the states.
Here's what officials want you to do: Stay home if you're sick, avoid close contact with people who are sick, wash your hands often, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, cover your mouth or nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and keep up with health information in your own community.
The CDC has gotten reports of lab-confirmed swine flu cases in eight people in New York City, seven people in California, two in Texas, two in Kansas, and one in Ohio.
All of those swine flu cases have been relatively mild, although one person was briefly hospitalized, according to Keiji Fukuda, MD, assistant director-general for health security and environment at the World Health Organization.
The eight swine flu cases in New York City involved students at Saint Francis Preparatory School in Queens. All have recovered fully, according to a news release from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
So far, U.S. cases of swine flu have been milder than those seen in Mexico, where the World Health Organization has confirmed that at least 20 people have died from swine flu; health officials are investigating dozens more deaths in Mexico.
More swine flu cases are likely in the U.S. as public health officials heighten their hunt for the new strain of swine flu virus, notes Anne Schuchat, MD, the CDC's interim deputy director for science and public health program. Her advice: Be prepared for the possibility that there may be severe cases, and even fatalities, in the U.S.
"I do fear that we will have deaths here," Schuchat said today at a news conference.
Countries around the world are watching for the virus, and scientists are scrambling to learn more about the virus and stop it before it becomes a pandemic.
Fukuda says the global health community is taking the swine flu threat "very seriously" but wants more information before deciding whether to raise the WHO's pandemic alert level from phase 3 to phase 4.
An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza type A virus emerges for which there is little or no immunity in the human population, begins to cause serious illness, and then spreads easily from person to person worldwide, according to background information from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The WHO has a scale ranging from phase 1 (low risk of a flu pandemic) to phase 6 (a full-blown pandemic is under way).

Influenza A in Mexico (latests new)

Kadar kematian selesema babi Mexico meningkat 19

MEXICO: Menteri Kesihatan Mexico, Jose Angel Cordova, berkata jumlah kes selesema babi yang disahkan meningkat kepada 473, termasuk 19 maut. Angka kematian yang disahkan sebelum ini adalah 16 mangsa. Cordova menyeru orang ramai untuk tidak leka dalam berdepan dengan virus berkenaan yang sudah membunuh 17 mangsa dan ia merebak ke Asia dan Eropah. Pakar memberi amaran bahawa virus berkenaan boleh bermutasi dan kembali menyerang dengan niat untuk membalas dendam. Beliau berkata demikian ketika bercakap di sidang media semalam. Kes yang berlaku di luar Mexico mencadangkan regangan selesema babi yang baru adalah lebih lemah daripada apa yang ditakuti. Tetapi, kerajaan tetap bertindak bagi melarang penerbangan dan bersedia dengan rancangan kuarantin.

sumber berita: Berita Harian

Penyakit Sisik (lchtyosis)

1) Satu kes dalam 300,000 kelahiran menjadikan penyakit ini unik
2) Terdapat lebih 20 jenis
3) Berasal drp penyakit genetik (keturunan)
4) Melibatkan mutasi yg berlaku pada gen yg mengawal pengelupasan kulit pesakit
5) Anggota badan akan menggelupas dan menjadi kepingan kulit
6) Struktur kulit menjadi tegang
7) Sesetengah Ichthyosis dilahirkan bersama-sama pesakit, namun sesetenghnya pula tidak dapat dikesan pada peringkat kelahiran
8) Penyakit ini tiada kaitan dengan bangsa, jantina atau umur seseorang
9) Pesakit akan bertambah parah seandainya mereka mempunyai alergi terhadap sesuatu seperti makanan atau persekitaran
10) Penyakit perlu ditanggung seumur hidup. Tiada rawatan yang dapat menyembuhkannya. Namun dengan penggunaan krim (eg. Emolien) dan pendedahan kepada cahaya matahari secara berperingkat, pengelupasan kulit tersebut dapat dikurangkan
11) Pesakit menjadi lebih sensitif terhadap perubahan suhu sejuk dan panas
12) Bukan penyakit berjangkit

Influenza A in M'sia??

GEORGE TOWN - Seorang lelaki warga New Zealand diletakkan di bawah pengawasan di wad pengasingan di Hospital Pulau Pinang (HPP) apabila mengadu demam dan sakit badan semalam dan keputusan ujian ke atasnya akan diketahui hari ini.
Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai berkata, lelaki terbabit datang sendiri ke HPP petang semalam mengadu demam dan sengal-sengal di badan. Dia ditahan untuk tujuan pengawasan tetapi belum dikuarantin.
Sambil mengesahkan perkara itu, beliau berkata, sampel darah daripada lelaki berkenaan telah diambil dan dihantar ke Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan (IMR).
Menurutnya, lelaki berusia 45 tahun dan berkahwin dengan rakyat negeri ini tiba di Pulau Pinang dari New Zealand melalui Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) pada 25 April lalu.

Kumber Berita: KOSMO

first timer

Assalamualaium warahmatullahiwabarakatuh and salam sejahtera semua. Salam perkenalan buat yg baru mengenali diri ini and salam berbahagia buat sahabat2 sekalian. nilah blog pertama saya dan inilah kali pertama saya berjinak 2 dgn system blogger ini dan diharap selepas ini perkhidmatan servis internet saya boley digunakan sebaiknya. hehe. oh ya, tujuan utama blog ini diaktifkan adalah untuk berkongsi tips2, teori2 serta isu2 berkenaan penyakit, kesihatan malah penemuaan ubat ubatan. Sy bukanlah seorang doktor malah belum lagi dinobat sebagai memandangkan isu2 seperti ini jarang2 sekali diketengahkan dikalangan blogger, so apa salahnya sy mencuba sesuatu yg baru. Tambahan pula..bunyinya seperti lebih bermanfaat khususnya buat rakan2 sy yg melibatkan diri dlm bidang bioteknologi. Di sini, sy juga menyeru mereka yg mempunyai pengalaman serta isu2 yg menarik supaya berkongsi pendapat serta idea masing2.. maka lepas ini tidaklah pelajar2 kita ketinggalan dalam isu2 yg telah pun hangat di war2 kan di luar sana. Seorang hamba Allah ni tlh mencadangkan sebuah penubuhan hospital kepada sy dan berharap boley menjadi rakan kongsi. Tp banyak perkara yg perlu diambil kira dan pengetahuan masing2 masih cetek. Namun masih tidak mustahil dgn ad nyer 'networking' serta perkongsian maklumat ini..sebuah hospital hasil usahasama rakan2 semua boley ditubuhkan. Amin..xper, kiter hanya merancang.:)